Story from Teacher Luis, 5th grade

As a 5th grade teacher, Luis Tomás Porres shares his experience of how technology has impacted his classroom and his students. He believes that the donation of technology by TINFA has enabled his students to participate more and take greater interest in the classroom activities. With access to online content, interactive programs, videos, and other internet tools, the lessons have become more engaging, resulting in better attention and learning outcomes.

For example, during this class, Luis worked with the students on understanding the brain and the function of its different parts. It is so much easier to understand the subject with an age appropriate video, stopping regularly for a discussion and exercises, than it is to tackle this complex subject on a white board.

Luis also highlights some of the challenges that come with incorporating technology in the classroom, such as breaking traditional paradigms and updating oneself with the use of tools and technology that can be useful in the classroom. For this, the TINFA training courses are essential. The use of technology requires the teacher and students to learn how to use it appropriately as an educational tool.

While the impact of technology has been significant, Luis also acknowledges that more equipment is needed to facilitate its use effectively. With only two computers and one projector, the school's access to technology is limited, and the internet connection is not strong enough to be used throughout the school. Despite these challenges, he remains committed to continuing the use of technology in his classroom, staying updated on technology resources, and exploring new interactive and comprehensive subjects.

In conclusion, Luis emphasizes that projects like TINFA are essential for improving education and should be used in many schools in the country. The use of technology has been a game-changer for him, his students, and even teachers of smaller grades. He expresses gratitude to TINFA for their contribution, which has greatly benefitted the children of the district of Cantel, especially at the Arturo Martinez Calderon School.