
Tinfa is fortunate enough to collaborate with a series of Financial Supporters and Non-Governmental Organizations. These collaborators are critical to the success of not only us but the children we serve.

Some of the complementary skills that TINFA is looking for in its partners in country are:

  • Has in depth knowledge and has gained the trust of the community we serve. We have found that organizations that work in Education but also have microfinance and health programs take a fairly holistic view of their engagements with the communities they serve, and have established a very valuable trust.

  • Can frequently visit the community we serve.

  • Has the potential for scale to work with additional school partners.

The complementary skills that TINFA might bring to a partner are its expertise in technology, in the use of suitable virtual educational tools. We bring experience in defining and implementing such projects. We have a global prospective having projects in different locations. We provide funding, training, support, as well as valuable resources in the Northwest and elsewhere.

We engage in a tangible project only after a carefully crafted interaction with the community, with the intend of empowering the already existing structure of the community, nurturing a supportive and creative environment as key players (parents, administration of the school, teachers and students) envision the use of the equipment.